Thursday, June 30, 2016

Oh yeah

Scott also posted a video of him apparently hypnotizing his dog, along with the claim that he can hypnotize people as easily. And he does it by doing a trick that every single dog owner can tell you that all dogs do. They will eat something they ordinarily wouldn't because it comes from their owner's hand.

Yup. He thinks this is a special skill he's discovered. Maybe he never had a a dog before?

Adams claims to have caused the Brexit.

I hope I'm just missing the sarcasm, but Scott Adams claimed in his blog today that he has soooooo many readers in the United Kingdom that they could have used his magic persuasion techniques to cause the Brexit.

He also does his standard of taking an incredibly unlikely event and predicting the opposite. He's literally predicting that civilization will not come to and end, so he can gloat later on that he was right. No bullshit.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

One Commercial equals the whole world

It's well known that Scott Adams is a Men's Rights Activist. Today's post is pretty typical of MRAs. One commercial the depicts the male as stupid means that the whole world feels this way, right? It's not that for the comedy of the commercial to work means one person has to buy the wrong detergent, and males are easier to make fun of in the world because they still basically run everything?

Scott even goes farther off track by offering as proof that the guy is the heel is the fashion choice of a V-neck sweater. Sorry Scotty, plenty of single guys wear V-neck sweaters over T-shirts. It's a fashion choice, not a fucking conspiracy. Nobody is humiliated by wearing a sweater.

I don't know if Adams' MRA feelings and his need to express them so publicly contributed to his divorce, but it hardly seems possible that it didn't, right?

Scott also claims that people can't talk about sexism without losing their jobs and being made an outcast in society. Then why do I hear sexist bullshit in nearly every place I've worked? I was just in a situation where a bunch of guys I work with were worried because they hired a woman and she'd be the only one working in our area of the building and they might have to curb their conversation. My response was "then you should shut up already, women or not. This is a goddamn business. How about acting professionally?"

To Scott, all men are sexist because it's right to be sexist (but only if you're a man for some reason) and since even liberals are secretly sexist, they will vote for Trump despite what all the polling says. It's the un-skewed polling all over again. All men secretly love Trump, even though, as Scott almost admits Trump is a shitty businessman who is offensive, lies and has awful positions on the few issues he has chosen to grace us with. We secretly love him because "He doesn't let his trophy wife push him around."

He really believes this bullshit. I can't wait for the day he has to finally admit his predictions are not just wrong but disastrously stupid. I'm not predicting a landslide for Clinton. I don't even know if she will win. But Trump will not win in a landslide. I'd bet everything I own on that if I could.

P.S. He used his cell phone to record an 11-second clip of the commercial he thinks means the whole world has agreed that men are stupid. Guess which channel Scott watches for his information? You didn't need to guess did you. You already knew it was Fox "News."

Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Scott's blog today was totally unhinged. Unless you believe that liberals only use guns for evil, and conservatives only use guns to benefit mankind.

Srsly. How fucking twisted do you have to be to believe something like that? All robbers are liberals, and all conservatives are using guns to try to stop liberals?

I'm a liberal and I have a gun. I used it when I worked as a security guard when I was in college. I'm not sure how I was doing evil, but I'm glad one of his conservative warriors didn't use his gun to stop me.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

No more comments!

Looks like Scott Adams had to turn off his comments. Seems some "unwanted" people were showing up and making racist and sexist comments. He calls them "trolls" but anyone who actually read them knows they were actually "Trump supporters."

The actual post was more spinning every action as genius moves. Firing Corey Lewandowski is a brilliant post convention pivot. Uh. The convention hasn't happened yet. Oops! Trump also defended Corey earlier and said he would never fire him. Adams says firing people, even loyal ones, shows strength! Riiiight. It definitely doesn't show Trump is a disloyal person who stabs his colleagues in the back. Read closely and you'll see how Scott almost admits Trump once made a mistake. Almost!

Also raising less money than Clinton is another brilliant stroke by Trump. Desperately sending out letters begging for 100K is another positive move. Somehow. Scott thinks that implies that money will make a difference. Except that it means Trump is getting no support from anyone, especially people with money. You don't think that's a bad sign? Nope! It's a good thing!

Also the Trump "assasination attempt" didn't get enough press. It's been on television constantly for two days, but according to Scott it would have gotten more coverage if it had happened to Clinton. There's no more childish argument than "if this was the other side people would go crazy!" Shouldn't the story have been how Trump, who thinks even drunks should be armed in case a nightclub gets attacked by terrorists, doesn't allow his fans to carry guns into his rally? Even though he sucks off the NRA as hard as he can, and that crazy organization wants open carry and concealed carry and concealed nukes for everyone everywhere. Actually even the NRA said that Trump's "drunks with guns" plan was irresponsible. Does the guy think before he talks? Or rather, does the guy think? Can he?

Friday, June 17, 2016

More Lies

Today Adams is flat out lying. He's desperate to explain why his man-crush isn't winning by a landslide, as he predicted. That's coming in the "third act" which he will reveal soon.

Nevermind he said the third act would be a miraculous interview with Megyn Kelly that would change everyone's mind. The interview actually happened! Everybody yawned. Kelly softballed in some questions, preserved her job at Fox "News" and nobody cared. Fox had already pivoted from "anyone but Trump" to "how can we wrap our lips around Donald's dick."

Adams claims when the Kelly interview happened, that drew Trump even with Clinton in the polls. Well, that''s a lie is what it is. Trump drew even in one outlier poll. And the bump Trump received was due to him clinching the nomination in the GOP primary and becoming the presumptive nominee. Not some magical interview with the hot chick from Fox. Apparently part of Scott's echo chamber includes watching only Fox "News," keeping himself blissfully ignorant of reality.

You'll notice Adams only mentions polls that confirm his point. Then barfs out a bunch of info about "confirmation bias." It's almost ironic.

And of course, spin spin spin. Trump's racism is called "The Judge Curiel affair" as if it is somehow the judge's fault that Donald made an ass out of himself.

Hillary is apparently the owner of an "attack machine." A kind reference to Mrs. Clinton has yet to be written on the Dilbert Blog. You'd think he would have accidentally said one by now. But no. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

More of the same, everything Trump is spin, everything Clinton is negative.

Dilbert's daddy is at it again. An entire post about how Trump isn't actually racist, but calling him a racist is a smart move by his opponents, even though there's no possible way it's true! Mexican is not a race! Wah wah!

Using outright lies like this one:"For example, when Trump suggested that Judge Curiel might be biased because of his life experience..." This is clearly not what Trump said. Trump isn't even close to eloquent enough to say something like that. He said "He's a Mexican" hoping to use people's prejudices to his benefit.

Then he posts some nonsense about "generating tweets" as if that matters. All of his tweets and comments come from his ridiculous echo chamber. Any poll he takes is totally hopeless.

Then of course, he makes a joke at Hillary's expense. Every mention of Trump is how he's brilliant. Scott claims to be totally objective, so it's just a coincidence that Trump is a forward thinking genius and Hillary is stupid.

The real question is who Adams thinks he's persuading with his posts. The echo chamber that is his commenters? They already fellate  Trump at every opportunity. Nobody else reads him, except perhaps people like me, who read him to laugh at his transparent man-crush on The Donald.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Finally a post that's not about Trump

Scott Adams doesn't always post on his Dilbert Blog on weekends, but today I guess he got some good news that he couldn't wait to post about.

Apparently Gawker did something in the past that rubbed Scott the wrong way because he dislikes the site, and he decided to post his quasi-celebration over the news that the site was forced to file for bankruptcy following the loss of the Terry "Hulk" Hogan lawsuit.

Hooray for censorship!

The biggest shock, as noted in the comments is that Adams took his mouth off Donald Trump's cock long enough to post about something else than his beloved candidate.

I recall Adams posting that he had a personal issue with Gawker but I don't think he posted the details of that vendetta.

Adams, of course, claims that anyone who disagrees with the court decision is defending pornography and sexual abuse. He accuses those who defend Gawker of trying to protect themselves from similar litigation. It couldn't possibly be a belief in the opposition of censorship, could it?

Why couldn't someone on the other side accuse Adams of supporting Hogan? That guy who had sex with the wife of his fan/friend, in front of the fan, while being video taped, presumably for money? On top of the fact that Hogan is a professional wrestler, which is really just fake violence for children. I'm not even sure why people tolerate professional wrestling as a thing. It's a fraud. It promotes violence. Sounds great for kids! I know some adults are fans as well, but I think we can all agree that's very sad.

The supreme court already decided this issue, as documented in the film "The People vs. Larry Flynt." People made the same argument at that time, if you're against censorship you're for the pornography of Hustler Magazine. It was a false equivalency then and it's just as false now. You don't have to agree with what Gawker does to agree that censorship, especially when it's promoted by an individual, a billionaire who has a vendetta, is probably a really bad idea.

Edit: Turns out Adams' problem with Gawker was that they exposed the fact that he had been commenting on his own site as a user called "PlannedChaos." Therefore the Dilbert creator claims the Gawker "ruins lives." Srsly.