Thursday, June 23, 2016

One Commercial equals the whole world

It's well known that Scott Adams is a Men's Rights Activist. Today's post is pretty typical of MRAs. One commercial the depicts the male as stupid means that the whole world feels this way, right? It's not that for the comedy of the commercial to work means one person has to buy the wrong detergent, and males are easier to make fun of in the world because they still basically run everything?

Scott even goes farther off track by offering as proof that the guy is the heel is the fashion choice of a V-neck sweater. Sorry Scotty, plenty of single guys wear V-neck sweaters over T-shirts. It's a fashion choice, not a fucking conspiracy. Nobody is humiliated by wearing a sweater.

I don't know if Adams' MRA feelings and his need to express them so publicly contributed to his divorce, but it hardly seems possible that it didn't, right?

Scott also claims that people can't talk about sexism without losing their jobs and being made an outcast in society. Then why do I hear sexist bullshit in nearly every place I've worked? I was just in a situation where a bunch of guys I work with were worried because they hired a woman and she'd be the only one working in our area of the building and they might have to curb their conversation. My response was "then you should shut up already, women or not. This is a goddamn business. How about acting professionally?"

To Scott, all men are sexist because it's right to be sexist (but only if you're a man for some reason) and since even liberals are secretly sexist, they will vote for Trump despite what all the polling says. It's the un-skewed polling all over again. All men secretly love Trump, even though, as Scott almost admits Trump is a shitty businessman who is offensive, lies and has awful positions on the few issues he has chosen to grace us with. We secretly love him because "He doesn't let his trophy wife push him around."

He really believes this bullshit. I can't wait for the day he has to finally admit his predictions are not just wrong but disastrously stupid. I'm not predicting a landslide for Clinton. I don't even know if she will win. But Trump will not win in a landslide. I'd bet everything I own on that if I could.

P.S. He used his cell phone to record an 11-second clip of the commercial he thinks means the whole world has agreed that men are stupid. Guess which channel Scott watches for his information? You didn't need to guess did you. You already knew it was Fox "News."

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